Julia Child once said, "The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook." Can truer words be uttered by someone more in touch with the sensory utopia brought by a perfectly prepared meal? I think not.
My affinity for all things 'unhealthy', being about 15 pounds overweight, and some minor coercion from Carey has led to the creation of this blog, Mise en Place Pittsburgh. Why the fancy-pants name? Let me explain...
Mise en Place is a French phrase that literally translates to "put in place". The phrase is generally used in professional kitchens to describe the preparation of ingredients and tools before cooking a meal. For our purposes, though, we are applying the technique of putting into place the mindset of making wiser culinary and lifestyle choices so that we may look better, feel better, and ultimately live better.
Being our first blog, I really don't expect (m)any followers, but keeping this journal will hopefully keep Carey and me true to our (dare I say it) resolution. More to come...
Little less lifting of the fork and a little more lifting of the weights? :D
ReplyDeleteJust kidding. But happy to provide some guidance on the latter, based on what I've learned from this guy... http://muv2impruv.blogspot.com
Love the profile pic. And, not long after my obnoxious comment above, what was I doing? Shoving my face with pork & ricotta meatballs. Eater, heal thyself, eh?
ReplyDeletePork is our friend! LOL... Believe me, the day after Carey and I decided to try this healthy lifestyle thing I ordered a Fiori's Pizza... how's THAT for self control?
ReplyDeleteI refuse to spend my life worrying about what I eat. There is no pleasure worth forgoing just for an extra three years in the geriatric ward.
ReplyDelete--John Mortimer
Who needs "Julie and Julia" when you have "Frank and Alton?" Keep posting your "recipes" so I can steal them.